Vacature PPA (Professional Partners

PPA (Professional Partners in Nieuwe-Tonge

Red onion pool

  • Starting with the 2017 harvest, PPA Group will be launching a red onion pool.
    The method and system are consistent with our onions pool for yellow onions.
    The benefits:

    • You receive the average price over the entire season.
    • You can place all, or just part, of your red seed onion yield in the pool.
    • We take your preference into account regarding the delivery time.
    • We are independent, with no ties to one particular buyer.
    • We operate under the supervision of, and in consultation with, the pool committee.
    • All the red onions in the pool are sold during the entire season. We are not tempted by market dynamics, but stick to the pre-determined pool quantity. After all - that is precisely why you decided to participate in the pool system in the first place!
    • We apply a clear set of conditions. You will not be confronted with any surprises at a later stage.
    • Our participants are extremely satisfied with our services and the results that have been booked.
    • We try to make an advance payment as soon as possible after delivery. However, this naturally depends on how prices develop during the season. The final payment is made in mid-July.
    • Our priorities are honesty and transparency!

    More information about the PPA onion pool? Please contact us

PPA Group
Groeneweg 37
3244 LJ Nieuwe-Tonge
[javascript protected email address]

Functie:ppa professional partner
Salaris:onbekend – onbekend
Uren per week:1 – 40

Heb je interesse in deze vacature en wil je graag op deze functie solliciteren? Neem dan contact op met PPA Group via onbekend of onbekend. Of bezoek hun website onbekend.

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  1. Vacatures middelharnis
  2. PPA (Professional Partners PPA Group 29-04-2024

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